Excused absences occur from illness, injury or are prearranged with school administration approval.
- Prearranged absences shall be approved for appointments or circumstances that cannot be taken care of outside of school hours.
- Excused absences include funerals, illness, injury, legal obligations, medical procedures, religious observations and extenuating circumstances determined by the principal.
- For any absence not specifically covered by another section, such as family vacations, college visits or other extended absences, the parent or guardian must complete a prearranged absence form and call the attendance line for their student to be excused. This form must be submitted at least three days prior to the scheduled absence.
The district may require suitable proof regarding the above exceptions, including written statements from medical sources. The maximum number of unexcused absences a student may incur before judicial proceedings are initiated to enforce compulsory attendance is four days in one month or 10 days in one year.
Excusing an absence
When a student is absent from school, the parent or guardian should call the attendance line at 303-982-7100 to notify the school. Any call made to the attendance line after 1:30 p.m. may not be recorded until the following day.
When calling in an absence, leaving the following information:
- Student’s name (spell last name)
- Contact number
- Date
- Reason and for the absence or tardy to be excused
All verbal requests to excuse an absence must be conveyed within 48 hours or it will remain unexcused. LHS does not take written excuses.
Excessive excused absences can result in a parent conference with an administrator or a counselor. The administrator will make the final determination if an absence will be excused. If a student’s illness exceeds three days, the parent or guardian should directly contact the counseling center to request assignments as well as consult teacher websites.
Should an administrator determine that a student’s absences are excessive, they will initiate the court-ordered truancy process.
Early dismissal
Please call the main office at 303-982-7096 at least 30 minutes in advance of a student’s early dismissal. This is to ensure the office can get to your student and have them ready to go at the desired time.
Illness during class
Students who become ill during class must first speak to their teacher and then go to the clinic. The clinic aide or counseling staff will notify the parent if their student requires pickup. Students should text parent or guardian asking to be released from class.