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International Baccalaureate (IB)

Interested in IB?

The IB application for the 2025/2026 schools year is now closed. 

Please contact with questions

IB Coordinator Ana Schultz

at or 303-982-7189 with questions.

International Baccalaureate Logo

Lakewood High School Teacher Recipient of Yale Educator Of The Year Award - Please see link for more info

The International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

Click here to see where our IB students are going next year!

IB Graduating Class

Congratulations to the IB class of 2024! We are so proud of you!!

Grads Tell All - Class of 2024

The International Baccalaureate (IB), founded in 1968, currently has 3041 schools in 139 countries, serving over 857,000 students. There are 73 programs in Colorado – 29 are full diploma programs.

The mission is to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who become active, lifelong learners through a shared academic and community service experience.

The program, a highly academic, rigorous course of study focuses on conceptual learning, critical thinking and presentation skills (written and oral).  It not only prepares students for higher learning in a university setting, but helps students prepare to live, learn and work in a rapidly globalizing world.


Lakewood IB has an active parent association; learn more at

Requirements include English, world language, history, experimental sciences, math, Theory of Knowledge and elective choices. Students also complete the "CAS" component – Creativity, Activity and Service. Learn more about IB.


Academic Honesty

Academic honesty is expected of all LHS students, and IB does not tolerate academic dishonesty. We all must understand the definition of academic honesty and the consequences of academic dishonesty.

Performing honestly means students will complete each assignment themselves, not allowing others to copy their work or copy answers from others, or use language translators on the Internet. They will complete quizzes, tests and in-class writings without looking at others’ papers, use crib sheets or notes, or allow others to see and copy answers.

In addition, students will complete research assignments for papers or presentations themselves and give proper referencing to materials quoted or paraphrased from any published source, including materials on the Internet; complete research without using notes or documents presented by their teachers, or materials gathered by other students; nor gain prior knowledge of the content of a test or quiz through sources not available to the rest of the class; not submit identical work for the final portion of any group project, nor claim any written work as one’s own which was actually written by someone else (plagiarism).


International Baccalaureate in Jeffco

The International Baccalaureate (IB) program was founded in 1967 to provide a rigorous, well-rounded education for students throughout the world. The IB prepares students for adulthood by enhancing skills in creativity, critical thinking, technology and international understanding.

Students may earn college credit for the IB exams by scoring a four or higher. Students who complete the IB Diploma Programme shall, at a minimum, receive 24 semester credits. These credits can apply to general education, elective or major requirements (at the institution’s discretion). The credit is guaranteed to transfer but it’s not guaranteed to apply to degree requirements. Please contact the colleges you wish to attend to see how your IB scores will be accepted.

Learn More About International Baccalaureate

Contact Us

Ana Schultz
IB Coordinator
